Wednesday 12 February 2014


A week or two ago I woke up in a wet patch!

Now I know some people are prone to bed-wetting their whole life, but fortunately I haven't had a dreamy-dribble since I watched the original Terminator when I was little (confession!).  Anyway, as you can imagine, this was a shock, and with a twist, I threw off the brand-new duvet, catapulting my girlfriend's hot-water-bottle onto the floor, and peered into the pool of misery with bewilderment. Yes, I'm 26 now, but I'm certain I'm not the age where bed-wetting makes a Steps style come-back ... That would be a Tragedy (a-thank-you!).

However, something wasn't right - my onesie was totally dry aside from a small bit on my hip, surely if I'd wet the bed I'd still be a bit damp in the crotch, wouldn't I? I glanced over at my slob of a dog with disappointment who had somehow been watching my every motion without moving his head. There was no way he could have snuck into bed, squirmed under the covers and relived himself at my waist height without waking me up, his alibi was concrete!

Anyway, assuming I must have been lying in my own filth long enough for my crotch to dry, I reached for my phone, opened up Google and keyed:  '26 and I've wet the bed, am I normal?' Unfortunately, this is a direct quote (  I checked my history!). After panic-skimming a few articles, I convinced myself that I had either diabetes or one of a number of psychological disorders and concluded that this was now me.

"Hi, my names Daniel O'Callaghan, and I am a bed-wetter."

However, as I stripped the bed and picked up Rachael's hot water bottle from the floor, already having condemned myself to a life of dirty underwear and embarrassment, I noticed that the carpet was wet. In hope I grabbed the bottle, and like a male nymphomaniac, I longed for a hole! I squeezed it and to my joy there was a little bubbling slit in one of the edges. 

I was so relived, mainly because at one point, I had touched the wet patch and sniffed my fingers....

Needless to say, the month got better for me. I got a great opportunity in the part time job I do coaching newbees, and this marked a turning point for me poker-wise. I finally began to find some heat, which is almost certainly down to my  new "disciplined" way of ensuring I'm in the right frame of mind before playing. Nice timing too as after inspection it turned out that the $6,000 down-swing that I thought I was on was closer to $10,000, by far the biggest losing run of my poker career.

It's nice to have some good news as just after my last post I was Xbox-controller-smashing  levels of tilted. I'd spent a year preparing an application as I planned to apply for a Graduate Scheme (I'll leave the company nameless to prevent hate-mail!). I had emailed them to check the deadline and they'd told me that applications had to be submitted by the 19th January. My application was rejected on the 17th Jan when it transpired that the deadline was December NOT January and they wouldn't accept my application despite me forwarding them the email they'd sent me... Perhaps I should send them a home-made calendar with variations of a certain finger so they can learn the difference between December and January!

I think I'll leave you with my two of favourite neck and nominates, one from a guy that I went to uni with, and another from THE most modest guy I've ever met. enjoy:

Neck and Nominate Thomas Connelly

Neck and Nominate Tom Fleischer

Gee gee,
Follow Me: @dan_ocallaghan

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