Wednesday 15 January 2014

Mid January Resolution

The Very fact that I'm setting my New Year's resolutions on the 15th January sums a flaw of mine perfectly.... I procrastinate waaaay too much!!

This year I will be more productive. Simple? I doubt it.

Last year I developed a bunch of bad habits, I stopped going to the gym (although I did rekindle my football passion twice a week), I increased the percentage of days I slept for 10hrs+ a million-fold , and I became a lazy poker player. I played almost all of my online games staked and without the usual strategy talk that I was used to, andI feel like I lost a lot of passion for the online game as a bi-product. Laziness leads to half-arsedness and subsequently incomplete thought processes. There's a name for people that don't think things though properly when they play poker – they're called fish!

“It's not enough to be a good poker player, you must also play well.”

I can play well, I know I can, but I need to make sure that playing well becomes a default. In a poker world where buoyancy is becoming increasingly difficult there's no room in the winners' circle for a lazy poker players.

I don't want to take up karate or learn to play the clarinet. I can already horse ride and I don't want to set any meat-eating world records. I want to become more focused and so my first resolution is to become more disciplined and eradicate my bad habits”....

In fact, this is such a comprehensive resolution that it will be my only one!

The main step in this will be to increase routine in all areas of my life; I will exercise regularly, I will walk the dog more routinely, and I will stop half writing words expecting the auto-correct to save any legability! I will play poker only when I am prepared to play well and I will resist the urge to watch spiders fighting lizards on Youtube when I do so - trying to navigate 16 online MTTs whilst willing an imminent “death blow” is definitely -EV!

In essence, my goal is to return to being a well-oiled poker machine. My old staker had some personal issues and collapsed the stable, so I'm back on my own money now, and there's even more incentive to ensure that my bankroll doesn't mirror the Black-Widdow I saw being torn apart but the Brown Recluse spider (at least I was paying attention to that episode!). In fact, the only time Youtube and poker will clash, will be on the rarity that I treat myself to a Kate Upton “Cat-Daddy” when I win a tournament.

… Oh! And if you didn't notice I spelt, “legibility” wrong, perhaps you should work on your thoroughness too ;)

Gee Gee

Follow Me: @dan_ocallaghan

And this is just to save your time and fingers:

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